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Two Allied soldiers are looking are looking upwards towards the sky watching "Jerry" which is the Germans. They are at the St. Mihiel Front. The soldier on the left is lower and is possibly standing or squatting in the trench or behind a hill. The…
Peter Hoffmann stands in a German Trench that is near Fey-en-Haye, France during World War I. The walls of the trench are covered in stone and dirt, some parts may have concrete. There is a log that is laying over the two opposite sides of the trench…
An opening in a hill reveals a doorway to a German Trench. The walls on either side leading to the trench are covered in stones. The path leading to the door is either, wood, concrete, or dirt with ridges in it. Above the door is more stones. There…
A forest destroyed by fire during a battle of World War I that took place near Pont-a-Mousson, France. All of the trees are stripped of leaves. The trunks are burnt, as is the ground. All of the trees have broken off limbs. Many of the trees are just…
An allied soldier is standing at the top of the hill. He has his outer jacket off and is holding it with his left arm. His right hand is holding the butt of his gun and resting the gun over his right soldier. He is looking off towards the left side…
A German plane with a German Iron Cross on the lower left wing is crashed on the ground and in flames. Most of the outer covering of the plane is burnt and no longer there, while a few pieces on the back and left upper and lower wings is still not…
Two Allied soldiers during World War I stand next to a German 42cm artillery piece used for siege warfare by the German Empire. The barrel of this is 42 cm in diameter and is possibly known as the Gamma-Gerät or Gamma Mörser. The two soldiers are…
A soldier during World War I, is seen crouching and looking at the photographer. He has on a long coat that is opened, and a military cap and uniform on underneath the coat. He has a mustache and is touching a large artillery shell that is standing…
A scouting party for the Allies, presumably American, at Meuse-Argonne which was the final offensive push for the Allies, is walking. There are six soldier walking with guns in their hands, most with bayonets attached. There is shrubbery around the…
In a trench of World War I, presumably in France, are skeletal remains of German soldiers. The word "Germans" is seen at the bottom left side of the photograph. There are leg bones sticking out of boots, helmets, skulls, and clothing of German…
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