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The photograph is shot looking directly down a path that is bordered by tall trees, likely some kind of evergreen, on both sides. Edward Hoffmann is standing by the first tree along the left side; Emil Youngblood is leaning against one a few trees…
Edward Hoffmann is standing next to the closest tree on the left, while Emil Youngblood leans on a tree a ways down the path. Peter B. Hoffmann is leaning on a tree on the right side of the path, across from Edward.
Emil Youngblood, Albert D. Hoffmann, Peter B. Hoffmann Sr. and Edward Hoffmann are seated on a log that extends over the river.
Edward and Albert D. are seated on the log closest to the camera while Emil Youngblood and Peter B. Hoffmann are about thirty feet back.
The card shows four men, identified on the back as Albert Hoffmann, Peter B. Hoffmann, Vincent Hoffmann, and Emil Youngblood, squatting under a tree in a field.
Three men, from left to right: Peter B. Hoffmann Sr., Emil Youngblood, and Albert D. Hoffmann have picked berries and are holding them. Peter is holding two baskets full of the berries. Emil has a paper with berries on it and it pouring them into a…
Albert J. Hoffmann is seated on Peter B. Sr.'s lap. Peter's daughter Alvina is to the right, and then a woman identified as Mary Holsinger. Mary is listed as Sr. Mary Hortulana Holsinger on a gravestone in Mt. Calvary cemetery's Sisters of St.…
Both dressed in suits and hats, Peter B. Sr. and Emil are under a tree by a stream, probably fishing.
A man, who looks to be Peter B. Hoffmann Sr., is standing and waving at the very top of a bluff in the distance, so small as to be barely visible.
Peter B. Hoffmann Sr. stand at the base of a stone cliff which is covered in greenery. Hoffmann is standing along a dirt toad that curves and goes towards the back of the photograph. Hoffmann is standing sideways, facing the right side of the…
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