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The card shows four men, identified on the back as Albert Hoffmann, Peter B. Hoffmann, Vincent Hoffmann, and Emil Youngblood, squatting under a tree in a field.
Edward Hoffmann is standing next to the closest tree on the left, while Emil Youngblood leans on a tree a ways down the path. Peter B. Hoffmann is leaning on a tree on the right side of the path, across from Edward.
Emil Youngblood, Peter B. Hoffmann Sr. and Edward Hoffmann are on a picnic, seated on the ground with their backs against a tree.
Edward Hoffmann and Emil Youngblood, both hat-less with Youngblood holding an oar, are standing outside a log house with trees, a fence, outbuildings and a bird-feeder in the background.
Edward Hoffmann is half-inside a hollow tree on the left side of the path, while Emil Youngblood is on top of the stump of a tree, leaning on a still-standing one on the right.
Albert and Peter B. Hoffmann Sr. are seated on the ground while Emil Youngblood and Edward Hoffmann stand, Edward pointing off into the distance. Behind them rises a tall stone bluff.
Edward Hoffmann is posed in the hollow tree at the bottom while Emil Youngblood and Albert Hoffmann are in the broken-off top.
Edward Hoffmann is crouched in the hollow part of the tree at the bottom, looking right. Emil Youngblood is in the tree looking out the top of it to the distant left, while Albert D. is perched on the back near the top, looking directly at the…
Edward Hoffmann is crouched inside the tree at the bottom. Emil Youngblood is standing in it, his head poking out the top, while Albert is perched on the backside with one arm leaning against the top.
The photograph is shot looking directly down a path that is bordered by tall trees, likely some kind of evergreen, on both sides. Edward Hoffmann is standing by the first tree along the left side; Emil Youngblood is leaning against one a few trees…
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