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Closest to the camera are three men standing on a stone-and-wood jetty, dangling their fishing poles into the water. There are at least two people on the jetty in the distance.
Six men and boys are sitting or standing on a stone jetty that spans across the river. At least one man is fishing.
A colorized photograph of three men standing at the edge of a river or creek with their fishing rods. The men are holding sticks with fishing wire tied at the ends of them. The man in the front has a long rod that is bent in the middle. The man in…
Two men, perhaps Edward Hoffmann and Emil Youngblood, are fishing on the bank of a river and have caught a fish.
Three men are knee-deep in the water, stringing out a line presumably to help them fish. There are two empty boats in the water, one by the men and the other off the the right with a crank mounted in it. Another man is working on the nets on the bank…
Edward, Emil, and Albert are in the middle of tall grasses and milkweed, sorting berries. Prince the Horse and the buggy are behind them.
Three men, from left to right. are Edward Hoffmann, Emil Youngblood, and Albert D. Hoffmann. The men are harvesting or picking something. They are standing behind droves of plants and weeds and looking closely at what they are touching. Edward is…
Two men, one sitting and one standing, are in a small fishing boat on the river. Hills rise on the far bank. The card is colored, and both the water and sky are tinted blue with pink.
Edward Hoffmann and Emil Youngblood are standing in a rocky cave. The walls of the cave appear to have either calcium buildups or something else. The men are standing in an opening/small hole of the cave, behind some rocks. Edward is on the left and…
Six men are in front of a white-sided house. Peter B. Hoffmann Sr. leans on a tree to the far left of the frame. The two leftmost seated men are not identified; Vincent Hoffmann is the one seated between the trees. Albert D. and Edward stand to the…
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