Browse Items (82 total)
The Hoffmann family stands in front of a buggy which is being pulled by Prince the Horse. Prince's head is down towards the ground, eating grass. Albert D. Hoffmann stands on the left side of the photograph and is looking towards the photographer. To…
The Hoffmann Family sits in a semi-circle on the ground in a wooded area. In front of the family on the ground is a blanket. On the blanket is what appears to be donuts, bread, and a bottle of something to drink. Emily Hoffmann sits on the left side…
Emil Youngblood lays on a limb of a tree that is curving towards the left of the picture. Emil's right arm is resting on the limb, holding him up, his left left is resting on his left leg which is bent at the knee, and his right leg is hanging over…
Peter B. Hoffmann Sr. is in the center of the photograph, standing in a hollow tree trunk. The rest of the tree appears to be laying on top of the tree trunk and below it on the ground. He is in a heavily wooded area with other trees, vines, and…
On the left side of the photograph is a covered buggy that is not attached to anything. In front of and to the right is Emil Youngblood, who is standing with his arms crossed and looking off into the distance. Next to him is Edward Hoffmann who is…
Edward Hoffmann, Peter B. Hoffmann Sr., and Emil Youngblood are all sitting on a long log, eating in front of the remnants of a fire. Each man is holding food, and Edward is taking a bite out of it. There is a picnic basket sitting on the ground in…
Albert D. Hoffmann sits above everyone else on the hill. He left hand is in a fist and sitting on his hip, and his right arm is resting on his right leg, which is raised and resting on a rock. Below Albert is Peter B. Hoffmann Sr. who is sitting with…
A group of men are standing and sitting in front of a conical tepee shape tent with a flap open. Inside is a table with dishes and a can on it. Behind the tepee is what appears to be the Mississippi River, and in front of the river is a horse…
The Hoffmann family is seen with a 1914 Dodge. Sitting in the car is Bertha and Albert J. Hoffmann. On the running board is Alvina, Peter B. Hoffmann Sr. and Edward Hoffmann. The 1914 Dodge is owned by Peter B. Hoffmann Sr. The car is sitting on a…
In the backseat of the car is Bertha Hoffmann. In front of her, in the front seat is Alvina Hoffmann. Sitting on the running board is an Emil Youngblood and Peter B. Hoffmann Sr. Standing next to the car is Edward Hoffmann, who is leaning on the car.…
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