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Railroad tracks run down the left side of the card through what looks like a rail depot. There are various buildings scattered to the right.
A man and two boys stand on the railroad tracks in a yard wit ha water tower, buildings, and train cars behind them. It is identified as the Dubuque Water Co.
A railroad track curves along the left bank of the Mississippi. The Julien Dubuque monument is visible on a bluff, and on the one beyond it there is Mount Carmel.
Two sets of railroad tracks running long the river converge at a small house or station right on the water, with the bluffs across one of the tracks.
Curving railroad tracks are shown running along the rocky banks of a small river. Telephone poles are visible between the tracks and the river. The photographer’s notes indicate that this image was taken along the banks of “the South Fork of the…
A woman is standing beside railroad tracks, looking south and shading her eyes as if she is watching for a train. A man can be seen hurrying across the tracks toward the woman. Behind her is the Chicago Burlington & Quincy depot. Across the tracks…
A railroad track curves off the to the left in the distance, where there is a man walking the tracks. There are limestone cliffs covered by vegetation on both sides and electrical poles to the left of the tracks.
A railroad track cuts straight through a stone bluff, which stands to the left while Peter B. Hoffmann Sr. stands on the small remaining chunk to the right.
A railroad that goes through a bluff and winds around. In the background of the photograph is an open area with trees. There is a telegraph pole sitting on the left side of the photograph. There is also a man standing in the background of the…
A train track curves around to the left with light poles to the right, a high cliff to the near left, and the river in the far distance.
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