Browse Items (269 total)
Two children, a boy and a girl, have fallen off their sled. The girl is seated, but the boy is upside down with his legs in the air and hat fallen off. Father Christmas in a long purple robe with a bag and bundle of sticks under his arm looks at…
Father Christmas, dressed in dark brown with a bag and tree over his shoulder, walks in the foreground of the card. Behind a wooden plank fence, two girls and two boys watch him. "A Joyous Christmas" is printed in the lower left.
Near the front of the card, facing towards the background, are three children - likely two girls and a boy. They watch and wave at Father Christmas, who is driving his sleigh through the woods in the background. The green sleigh, filled with bags and…
Father Chirstmas is dressed in a long, blue robe and carrying a sack of toys attached to a piece of wood to some children. One child is in a blue snow suite while the other is in a red winter dress. The children are facing Father Christmas with…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long blue coat and soldier-like hat, with a brown harness holding the pack on his back. To two young girls, he is gesturing at a table set with snacks, presents, and a tree. Beyond the circular scene inset in the card…
Inside a house with green-yellow walls, a younger brunette girl in white clings to the yellow dress of an older blonde girl while they stand behind the curtains. Outside the window, Father Christmas in a hooded red robe with a lighted tree on his…
Done in pale colors, Santa Claus in red has a boy riding on his back while a girl tugs at the should of his coat. A small cluster of holly is to the right, above the words "With best Christmas Wishes".
Santa Claus, in his bright red suit and pointed shoes, is pulling back the flowered curtain to a bed. Underneath the blue cover are two sleeping children, one blonde and one brown-haired. In the back right is a lit fireplace with stockings hanging on…
Santa Claus, in his bright red suit, is pulling back the flowered curtain from one side of a bed. He is holding the finger on his other hand up to his lips. In the bed are two sleeping children under a blue cover. In the back left is a lit fireplace…
In a dark room, in which two children are fast asleep, Father Christmas is seen placing toys at the foot of their bed.
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