Browse Items (136 total)
Father Christmas in a spotted long red coat is squatting near the ground, hugging a little girl in a pink coat. To the left, three other children are dumping out a bag of toys onto the snowy ground. In the background is a house, trees, and sunrise.…
Father Christmas stands in the snow next to two young children. He is wearing a long, brown cloak with a sack over his shoulder, and in his grip is a bundle of twigs. The children are holding hands, one boy and one girl. The boy is wearing a blue…
The card has three main components situated on a blank background: Father Christmas, a snowy farm scene, and a greeting message. The greeting in blue, red, and black at the bottom reads "I wish You / All You wish / Yourself / this Christmastide."…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long blue coat and soldier-like hat, with a brown harness holding the pack on his back. To two young girls, he is gesturing at a table set with snacks, presents, and a tree. Beyond the circular scene inset in the card…
Father Christmas is standing behind a table what has a steaming silver punch bowl on it. In his right hand he raises a golden goblet. The 'legs' of the table say "Christmas" with icicles dangling beneath them, as well as two large ornaments with pink…
Father Christmas is fighting to cross a river; the water is almost to the top of his black boots. He also wears a long brown hooded coat, which is flying open in the wind. In his right hand he carries a walking staff with a candle on top, and in his…
Father Christmas, the deer he is feeding, and two birds are the only colored figures on the page- the background is completely snow-covered trees and forest floor. Father Christmas is in a long reddish-brown robe with an overflowing bag of toys on…
Father Christmas is in the foreground of the card; he is dressed in red and carries a walking stick as well as three large packages and a satchel of toys. He is on the road walking away from a village. The village and church are depicted in dark…
Father Christmas and the girl are small in proportion to the village and road scene. They are coming down the road, in the bottom left of the card. Father Christmas is in red and carrying a bag while the girl is in white carrying flowers. There are…
Father Christmas is burdened with a tan bag on his back. His coat and hat are burgundy with white trim and embroidery. He is standing outside a snow-covered bronze fence, behind which there is a bare-branched tree and a large house, pulling the bell…
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