A yearbook page depicting the Sodality, a club at Loras College. Five photographs are shown. From top to bottom: (1) Members of the Sodality stand outside next to a vehicle that reads "LORAS COLLEGE." (2) A member of Sodality is seated, selling…
A yearbook page discussing the National Federation of Catholic College Students (NFCCS). Three photographs are shown. From top to bottom: (1) The officers of NFCCS stand surrounding one person seated at a desk. (2) Four members relax at a mixer…
A yearbook page that reads "OFF HOURS". Three images are shown. From left to right: (1) 6 nursing students relaxing in their lounge. Three surround a record player. Two are reading together from the same magazine. (2) Five nursing students having a…
A yearbook page that reads "INFORMALS" and "MERCY AT WORK". Two images are shown. (1) A nursing student works in the lab. They are using a metal implement in a metal jar. Several metal jars are present on a rolling cart. (2) Four nursing students…