Browse Items (14 total)
Edward Hoffmann and Ida Schumacher are standing next to a log with cups, bowls, and spoons. They are each holding two cups and they appear to be washing them. Ida holds a towel in one hand and a cup in the other. There is a buggy behind the two and a…
Almost the entire Hoffmann family is posed on a bridge in Union Park. From left to right, they are Bertha, Albert D., Alvina, Great Grandma Nickels, Katherine (grandma), Peter B. (Grandpa), Emily F. holding baby John Peter, Edward, Albert J., Ida…
From left to rights is Anna Schumacher, Ida Shumacher, Albert D. Hoffmann, Emily Hoffmann, and Peter B. Hoffmann Sr. Anna is wearing a light colored shirt with a cross around her neck and a slightly darker colored skirt. She has a dark and tall hat…
From left to right are: Ida Shumacher, Albert D. Hoffmann, Emily Hoffmann, Peter B. Hoffmann Sr., and Anna Schumacher. Anna is the only one not sitting on the ground. She is sitting on a bench that has Ida's hat on it. Peter B. is sitting with his…
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