The black-and-white scene is a children's bedroom; two are sleeping under the covers of a large bed. Santa Claus is beside it, delivering toys from his bag and watching the children. There is a small painting on the wall behind them, and the bottom…
Santa Claus is in a dark coat the upper right, drawing back the curtain to make eye contact with an excited child. The child, dressed in a white gown, is sitting upright in a bed with a patchwork quilt of whites, greens, oranges and dark grays,…
A blonde child is seated on their bed with toys strewn around them: a doll, jester, bear, badminton racket, and ball. Santa Claus stands behind the bed and is handing the child a toy horse. In the background is a branch of evergreen and four…
In the center of the ornate room is a golden four-poster bed. A dark-haired woman, perhaps with a crown or halo, lies on it. Kneeling at its side is the Pope, who is dressed opulently in a vestment with a long red train, white train, golden robe and…
In a golden canopied bed lies a figure in white with long brown hair, possibly a man or woman. Behind the bed, a priest in black and another male figure pray and speak to them. In the foreground, the pope dressed in red is seated on a chair next to…
In the foreground of the card, a blonde girl is sitting on her blue bed, playing with a bunny and girl doll. Behind her, Father Christmas in a long red robe and crown of holly watches with a smile. "Wishing you a Merry Christmas" is printed at the…
Father Christmas in a long red robe looks through his bag for toys to give the two sleeping boys in the bed behind him. The room is large; the bed is canopied in white and has a yellow cover and pink bed skirt. Two brown-haired boys sleep together in…
Father Christmas, dressed in a long red robe, is seated in a chair at the end of a small brass bed. His bag of toys is on the floor in front of him, and he reaches into the top to pull out a toy trumpet from among the dolls and other gifts. A drum…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long white robe and circular hat. He is sitting on the side of the bed of two girls. The bed has a curved metal railing and headboard. Beside it is a basket of toys, and on the wall are two flower arrangements. One of…
Inside a room, a girl in pink leans against her mother, dressed in white, while pointing toward Father Christmas at the window. Father Christmas looks in at them while dropping toys into the room. The scene is surrounded by a poinsettia decoration…