A group of six people working on decorations. Two are standing, holding the end of a large tissue paper decoration. Four are crouched, some arranging part of the decoration. #5 on edge.
A person wearing a light colored dress, smiling, placing crown on another person who is wearing a dark colored dress and a corsage on their top. #30 on edge.
Eleven people standing outside in the snow. Five of them are wearing corsages. One person to the right is holding a large box. A person near a microphone is handing something to a person wearing a dark dress and a corsage. #30 on edge.
A person wearing a dark dress with a corsage is standing, riding in a convertible that has its top down. Three people are seated in the back seat and two people are seated in the front seat. #30 on edge.
A crowd gathered around a stage. A band is seated no the stage. At the front of the stage, a person is placing a crown on the head of a person in a dark dress with a corsage. A sign made of paper plates on a curtain behind the stage reads, "Welcome…
A full page from the Loras College student newspaper, the Lorian, which shares news about the College's 1952 Homecoming celebrations. Portraits of the College's 1952 Homecoming Queen Court are spread across the top of the page. The five portraits are…