Father Christmas, in a long brown coat, is seated on a stump in the woods while he plays the fiddle. There are animals gathered around to listen to him, including a fox, rabbit and squirrel. "A Merry Christmas" is printed in the lower right with the…
Father Christmas stands in a long brown coat, wearing a blue hat with a string of pine cones on it. He is carrying a type of musical instrument, not quite a harp but shaped like a lyre. Two children, a boy in blue and a girl in white and red, reach…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long tan coat and wears a blue hat with a string of beads around it. To the left of the card he holds a staff that looks like a decorated lyre; he has a small mallet in his other hand. Not standing higher than his…
The upper part of the card depicts two angels, one playing the harp and one holding pink-purple flowers, looking down upon the baby Jesus with a lamb in the hay on the lower half of the card.
An angel clothed in red with peacock-feather wings is playing an s-shaped horn or trumpet. It is surrounded by holly and printed to the right is "May you have a Joyous Christmas."
A blonde-haired angel dressed in red-gold and green with red-gold wings holds a harp-like instrument. It is bordered by holly and the lower right reads "A happy Christmas."
A red-robed angel plays a stringed instrument like a violin on the left side of the card. Printed on the right is "Hark! the heaven of heavens is ringing, Christ the Lord to man is born, Welcome, Welcome, Christmas morn. Rev. Archer Gurney." The…