[Streetcar barn at the Union Electric Company]



[Streetcar barn at the Union Electric Company]


Photographer unknown


This image shows the interior of the Union Electric railroad car barn. A section of railroad track leads into a large open space with a smaller storeroom visible in the rear. A small dolly may be seen between the tracks. Numerous machines used to repair the railroad cars are visible in the work area and a wall-mounted telephone is on a rear wall. Electrical conduit, cables and a large hoist are also visible. Three men, dressed in overalls, work boots and hats are posing next to some of the machines. Dressed in suit and tie, another man is standing in a doorway, behind another machine. A portion of the undercarriage of a railroad car is visible in the lower right corner of the image. The number "123" has been written on the emulsion side of the negative and is visible in the upper right corner of the picture. The number "1" is written in the upper left corner.


Electric railroads
Street railroads
Railroad shops & yards
Dubuque (Iowa) -- Pictorial works
William J. Klauer Collection. City at Work Project
Glass negatives
Itinerant photographers


The Center for Dubuque History, Loras College, 1450 Alta Vista Street, Dubuque, Iowa 52001


Digital image captured using a Microtek ScanMaker 8700 with transparent media adapter. TIFF file created from a glass plate negative scanned in 16 - bit grey scale at 1200 ppi.


Contact The Center for Dubuque History at Loras College, 1450 Alta Vista Street, Dubuque, Iowa 52001 or call (563) 588-7100 © 2013 LORAS COLLEGE


William J. Klauer Collection


Still image




KL 404-344


This record is part of the William J. Klauer Collection held by The Center for Dubuque History, Loras College, Dubuque, Iowa.


Couler Avenue and Blocklinger Lane, Dubuque, Iowa


This image was displayed in the “City at Work” exhibit at the Dubuque Museum of Art, December 7, 2013 – March 24, 2014.


Photographer unknown, “[Streetcar barn at the Union Electric Company],” Loras College Digital Collections, accessed March 6, 2025, https://digitalcollections.loras.edu/items/show/5183.