[Tavern, Mr. Bistram, bartender]



[Tavern, Mr. Bistram, bartender]


Photographer unknown


A bartender, dressed in a long-sleeved white shirt, dark vest, tie, and with a white apron wrapped around his waist, is standing behind a long bar, and in front of another counter. On the floor in front of the bar is a spittoon, and to the left of the counter is a glass display case of cigars, including John Morton, Marguerite, New York Special, Aroma, New Brunswick, Smokey Club, Old Fireside, Tom Keene, and others. The mirror behind the rear counter reflects the image of much of the room in front of the bartender. A customer is seen smoking a pipe. Various baskets, boxes and a fan sitting in an open window are also visible in the reflection. A large, glass-enclosed cabinet holding numerous bottles of liquor is standing near the rear of the bar. Hanging between the cabinet and the bar mirror are several photographs, including one of a sunken riverboat. A moose head with a plaque reading "Order of the Moose," is hanging from a column of the mirror frame. A cash register registering a five-cent sale is also visible. On either side of the register are posters for a riverboat excursion to take place on June 19. A document, possibly a liquor license, for the “Union Bar” hangs from the top of the mirror. Lights hang from the top of the mirror frame, including an advertising light promoting “Banquet in Bottles.” The number “321” has been written on the emulsion side of the negative and is visible in the upper right corner of the picture. The number “1” is written in the upper left corner.


Dubuque (Iowa) -- Pictorial works
William J. Klauer Collection. City at Work Project
Glass negatives
Itinerant photographers


The Center for Dubuque History, Loras College, 1450 Alta Vista Street, Dubuque, Iowa 52001


Digital image captured using a Microtek ScanMaker 8700 with transparent media adapter. TIFF file created from a glass plate negative scanned in 16 - bit grey scale at 1200 ppi.


Contact The Center for Dubuque History at Loras College, 1450 Alta Vista Street, Dubuque, Iowa 52001 or call (563) 588-7100 © 2013 LORAS COLLEGE


William J. Klauer Collection


Still image




KL 247-013


This record is part of the William J. Klauer Collection held by The Center for Dubuque History, Loras College, Dubuque, Iowa.


506 Main Street, Dubuque, Iowa


Although there appears to be a liquor license for the Union Bar visible in this image, the bartender has been identified as “Mr. Bistram.” The 1912 Dubuque City Directory lists August Bistram, Junior, and Benjamin B. Bistram as the owners of Bistram Brothers Buffet and Saloon, 506 Main Street in Dubuque. The ”Banquet in Bottles” advertising light refers to beer brewed at the Dubuque Brewing and Malting Company, 32nd and Jackson Street, in Dubuque.

This image was displayed in the “City at Work” exhibit at the Dubuque Museum of Art, December 7, 2013 – March 24, 2014.


Photographer unknown, “[Tavern, Mr. Bistram, bartender],” Loras College Digital Collections, accessed March 10, 2025, https://digitalcollections.loras.edu/items/show/5193.