Browse Items (5731 total)
Three women, one Alvina Hoffmann, one Bertha, and another unknown, are posing in and by tall trees for the photo.
Three women are working at typewriters in an unidentified office in the B & I Building. A large map of Iowa hangs on the wall at left below a transom window. A door is in the center of the rear wall and a window is at right. The number “111” has…
A women wearing a dark colored hat with a long feather is standing at an opening in a screened-partition. Also visible on the side of a counter nearest the photographer, is a man seated at a desk, as well as another woman who is standing near the…
Three young women, seen also in image LO 237, are seated or standing near a large rock. The photographer’s notes indicate that this image would have been taken on a bluff near Balltown, Iowa.
Three young women are standing on the top of a rocky bluff near Balltown, Iowa. Fields may be seen in the background below the bluff. The bluffs along the Mississippi River may be seen in the background.
Two ticket agents are seated behind a wooden counter. Railroad schedules are displayed in a large display case near the counter. Photographs of trains and landscapes have been hung on the dark wooden walls above the display of schedules.Additional…
A sleeping soldier's body is in the foreground of the photograph, lying face-down. There are damaged buildings to the right and left. The photo is marked as U.S. Official and has the Signal Corps logo, 22678.

The item is cataloged at the National…
Two men are standing behind counters in a tobacco store. The older man is dressed in a suit, while the younger man is wearing a long-sleeved white shirt with sleeves rolled up to the elbows. Various brands of cigars, including “Prime Minister,”…
Tony Heeb is posing at his roll-top desk in his office at the Dubuque Brewing and Malting Company, 32nd and Jackson Streets. A sign for “Banquet Beer” hangs on the wainscoting wall behind him. No numbers have been written on the emulsion side of…
A man, identified on the back as Tony Pfohl, stands proudly in a dark military uniform with kit.


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