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The card is in black and white; Father Christmas, dressed in a dark hooded robe with white hair and beard creeping out, gazes out an open window. The window is set in a stone wall, and has the wooden shutter open, with snowy evergreen bushes growing…
The scene is depicted in black and white: Father Christmas in a dark cloak opens the shutter and leans out his window, a small decorated Christmas tree in each hand. The window is set in a brick wall with evergreen up to the snow-covered ledge. The…
The card is in black and white: Father Christmas in a long coat and furry cap is seated on a sled, with toys and tree behind him, getting ready to slide down the snow-covered slope. The greeting at the bottom reads "Joyeux Noel".
The scene of the card is centered in an oval inset, which is bordered by leaves of holly. Inside the oval, Father Christmas is in a dark coat and hat, looking at a small, bare evergreen tree to the left. Snow is coming down around them. "A Joyous…
Father Christmas stands in a long dark robe, hat, and brown cord belt. He is holding a bundle of branches in his right hand, shielding his face. In his left, he holds a girl doll with dark curly hair and blue dress. From his belt hang two joker dolls…
Father Christmas is rendered in a realistic style on the card. He is wearing a furry brown coat and hat, and in his arms he carries an assortment of gifts. These include a toy horse, flower arrangement, and book.
Father Christmas, rendered in realistic style, is dressed in a dark brown coat and a dark red hat with brown trim. He is leaning through one side of a set of wooden white double doors. In his left hand he holds a bag of toys. The greeting at the top…
Father Christmas is wearing a long dark brown robe with a fur-trimmed red hat. He is standing before a white door; in the crook of his right arm he holds a small decorated tree, and over his left shoulder is a bag full of toys. "A Bright and Jolly…
The card is either a highly realistic drawing or a monochrome photograph of Father Christmas posing with a donkey and its rider. Father Christmas is wearing a coat and hat and has long hair and beard.The donkey is carrying a drum and basket slung…
The card's scene is monochrome except for the pink and green clothing of the little girls and doll that are pictured. Father Christmas is drawing water with a small barrel from a brick well. He is dressed in a dark coat and hat. Two little girls are…
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