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Father Christmas is dressed in a heavy red hooded overcoat and black boots. He leans on a black walking stick with his left hand and carries a tree over his right shoulder as well as a bag on his back. In the background, behind a black wrought-iron…
Father Christmas is dressed in a hooded brownish-red overcoat with a bag and tree on his back; falling out of the bag are bright orange-red apples. He is pulling the bell-pull to ring the bell over the wooden door of the blue house in front of him.
Rendered in a cartoon style, a plump Father Christmas in an orange coat stands before the door of a house. His black cap has an antler on the back and is tied around his head with a red kerchief. He has a bag of toys under his back, bundle of…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long gold robe with a brown hat; his beard reaches past his waist. On his back is a basket with a bag ballooning over the top; he caries another satchel of toys at his left side, which faces the viewer. From his right…
In the foreground are two white reindeer with large antlers and red-and-evergreen tack. Behind them, Father Christmas in a brown hooded robe with a bag of toys shines a light on a gate in a fence. The fence is tall, with the metal and columns well…
Father Christmas is wearing a dull pinkish-purple coat and hat with light purple trim. On his back is a bag of toys, and at his belt are a bundle of branches and two dolls. With his right hand he is pulling the bell-pull on a brick house; in his left…
A girl in a bright red coat, white lace cap, and with long blonde hair carries a basket over her left arm. She is face-to-face with Santa Claus, who is peeking out of a circular inset set amidst a holly branch. Santa is wearing a red cap with bobble…
Santa Claus in a red coat and hat is peering through an evergreen wreath. It is set atop a large clock whose dial shows midnight. To the left of the clock is a little girl in a white polka dot dress, who has gold bows in her brown hair; she is…
A window takes up most of the card; its frame is honey-colored and at its left is a green curtain with yellow dots and white stripes. Inside is a little blonde-haired boy in white pajamas that button up the back. At the window is a disproportionately…
Santa Claus and a small child, likely a young girl, are shown in an insert surrounding by holly. The child is wearing a gold cape, purple mittens, and green bonnet while sitting on Santa's knee. Santa is dressed in a red coat and hat with white trim;…
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