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A golden-haired child clothed in red and gold holds an orb-and-cross in one hand and raises two fingers in blessing on the other. He also has a halo, and the figure is likely Jesus. Around him is an arch of evergreen with lighted candels across the…
"Cherry Mound is located in Allamakee County. It is not a town, nor even a village, but a church site named for an abundance of wild cherry trees. The parish is named for Saint Pius V., a pope of the 16th century who worked for the reform of the…
"In late April of 1914, Father Thomas W. Drumm of the Archdiocesan Mission Band preached the first mission in Geneva, at which time the parish received its “Mission Cross.” Father Drumm was later appointed Bishop of Des Moines. Father Michael L.…
Historical documents pertaining to the history of Saint Patrick parish in Jerico, Iowa.
Historical documents pertaining to the history of Saint Patrick parish in Head Wapsie, Iowa.
"At first Catholics of the Fairfax area in southwest Linn County attended Mass in Cedar Rapids, where Father William Emmonds was pastor. Later Father John Zleipsic, pastor of Saint Michael’s, Norway, came to offer Mass in their homes. And still later…
"In 1863 Daniel and Mary Dougherty came to the southeastern corner of Cerro Gordo County to begin farming a claim he had made on the treeless prairie seven years earlier. Through their efforts other Catholic settlers came and the town of Dougherty…
Saint Nicolas sits on a bench hunched over. He is wearing a long, tan coat, a red hat with fur trim, and dark mittens. His hands are raised to his beard as he tries to keep warm. Nestled in his arms is a walking stick and beside him is a orange bag…
Saint Nicholas in a red outfit and an elf ride on a flying white horse with a bag of toys. it is snowing, and there is a line of rooftops below them.
"In January 1951 Archbishop Binz appointed Msgr. Jaeger to found the new parish and Father Alvan P. Heuring to assist him in this task. Father Heuring took on the responsibility of visiting each of the 125 families of the new parish. The parish was…
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