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Father Christmas is dressed in a long red cloak tied with a brown cord. A branch is stuck through the cord. He has a bell in each hand and is ringing them. Behind him is a banquet table on which food and drinks are visible, and in the background…
Santa Claus stands tall in front of a lighted and decorated Christmas tree, wearing a red suit and black boots. He is saluting with his right hand. At his feet are two dolls, a rabbit, and a jack-in-the-box, all saluting as well. Printed below the…
Santa Claus is finely dressed in a long red cloak and silk shirt and pants. He is sleeping in a wooden chair next to a burning fireplace. Above the fire a turkey or chicken roasts. On the floor are sprigs of holly and evergreen and an empty bag. The…
Santa Claus, dressed in a red suit, is standing in his workshop. On the shelves behind him are various toys, including a drum, toy stove, boat, and teddy bear. He is holding his bag with "SC" printed on the side, which is already full of toys.…
Santa Claus, in a red suit, is holding a brown-haired child in a blue dress in the air by its waist. Behind him is a full bag of toys and a fireplace. "A Merry Christmas" is printed near his feet at the bottom of the card.
Santa Claus, in a red suit, sits at a table in his workshop. He has a paintbrush and palette in hand and is painting the roof of a toy house green. Behind him is a workbench and tools hanging on the walls. "A Merry Christmas" is printed at the bottom…
Santa Claus is dressed in a red suit. In one hand he holds a toy jester, and with the other he is handing a pink-clad doll to a blonde girl in a white dress. Behind the girl is a brunette boy, also dressed in white. In the background is a curtain and…
Santa Claus sits on a bench in his workshop. He is holding a hammer and looking down at the toy sled he is building, which rests on his knees. Santa has his glasses on and is smoking a pipe. In the background are other toys and a window which looks…
Santa Claus is dressed in red and seated next to a lighted and decorated Christmas tree with two girls. The blonde-haired one sits on his knee and holds a doll under her arm. The brown-haired girl stands next to the chair. Both wear white dresses and…
Santa Claus is dressed in a red coat and cap. With both hands he lifts a child dressed in blue. Behind him is a full bag of toys, a stocking, and a fireplace. "A Joyous Christmas" is printed at the bottom.
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