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Inset like a portrait is a black-and-white drawing of a man and a woman's head views, looking at each other and smirking. "How you and me" is at the bottom of the portrait, and handwritten on the card is "On one of my busy days. Jack".
The upper part of the card depicts two angels, one playing the harp and one holding pink-purple flowers, looking down upon the baby Jesus with a lamb in the hay on the lower half of the card.
The upper part of the card shows Jesus in white and gold with a halo teaching the 12 apostles. The lower half is separated from it by the words "Evtes docete omnes gentes" which is loosely translated as 'teach all nations'. The lower card depicts a…
Floating above the rest of the figures is Mary in red and blue, holding the baby Jesus. They are backed by a golden sky. Around them, figures of both genders and all ages look upon them or in other directions.

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On a columed porch, a blonde-haired angel Gabriel in red brings the news to Mary that she is pregnant. Mary, pale with blonde hair and a halo, is seated on a stool and wearing blue and light pink. Her arms are crossed over her stomach.
The card is a reprint of artist Jan Vermeer's "Die Kupplerin," or 'The Procuress.' A woman in yellow with a patterened rug over her lower half is seated, and three men in different outfits surround her. It has been intrepreted as a brothel scene of…
In a golden canopied bed lies a figure in white with long brown hair, possibly a man or woman. Behind the bed, a priest in black and another male figure pray and speak to them. In the foreground, the pope dressed in red is seated on a chair next to…
The card is a reproduction of Hans Memling's "Maria Mit Dem Kinde," or Mary with the Child. Seated on a throne, a blonde-haired Mary is dressed in red and has the baby Jesus on her lap. He is reaching to the angel kneeling to the left. A…
Among a green blanket and a huge red curtain lay Madonna of the Rose with a young child who is clutching a globe. At the bottom "Parmigianino La Madonna della Rosa" is printed and it translates to "Parmigianino Madonna of the Rose".
A women wearing a red, black, and orange dress is sitting among two young boys that are both looking in curiosity at her. Behind the three of them, there are mountains, clouds, and trees in which the leaves have turned orange.
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