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Father Christmas is wearing a long red robe and cap. On his back, he is carrying a small Christmas tree and his bag of gifts. He is standing in a room with a single window that is bare except for a brown wooden chair with a young girl sitting in it.…
Father Christmas is standing among a circle of young children. He is wearing a red fur-lined and hooded robe. There are three children surrounding him, one little boy and two little girls. They are smiling at Father Christmas as he hands out gifts…
This is a simple postcard featuring Father Christmas, a young girl, and a doll against a beige background. The girl has fair hair and is dressed in a white nightgown while Father Christmas is wearing his trademark red robe. He sports a light blue cap…
Father Christmas is wearing a long red robe and cap. He is rummaging through his bag, placing gifts underneath the tree in the house he is visiting. Three young children peer around the corner, watching Father Christmas leave gifts for them. There is…
Two young children are sitting on the bench at a train station. Santa Claus is wearing his iconic red suit and hat. He is taking a stroll around the station, carrying a Christmas tree on his back. Features the caption, "A Joyful Christmas".
A little girl with curly light brown hair is sitting at the table. She is wearing a black and white patterned dress. Holly, branches, and flickering candles adorn the ceiling above the girl. She is admiring a doll that Santa brought her for…
Father Christmas is dressed in a red robe and cap. He is standing in somebody's living room, admiring their Christmas tree. The tree is adorned with burning candles, walnuts, and brightly colored fruits. Some of the nuts and fruits have fallen off…
Two young children, a boy and a girl, are peering around a curtain in their living room. They are watching Father Christmas place gifts under their Christmas tree. The tree is lit up with a plethora of lights and candles, and Father Christmas is in…
Santa Claus is wearing his iconic red suit and hat, his bag of gifts tossed to the corner of the room. He is hanging ornaments and candles on a Christmas tree in somebody's living room. A young child is peering at Santa from behind a white curtain,…
Father Christmas is wearing a red cap and robe. He is perched on a yellow ladder, hanging mistletoe from the ceiling of somebody's living room. His bag of toys is at the foot of the ladder, toys scattered across the floor. A young girl clutching a…
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