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A young girl wearing a blue dress is sleeping in a green chair by the fireplace in her living room. Father Christmas is wearing a red robe and cap and is carrying a basket of toys on his back. He is leaning over the girl, one hand on the back of her…
Father Christmas in a long red robe and hat is handing a pink doll to a sleeping blue-dressed blonde girl in a green chair. He has a basket of other toys on his back. In the background is a tall, lit fireplace. "Happy Christmas" is in the lower right…
A blonde child is seated on their bed with toys strewn around them: a doll, jester, bear, badminton racket, and ball. Santa Claus stands behind the bed and is handing the child a toy horse. In the background is a branch of evergreen and four…
In the foreground of the card, a blonde girl is sitting on her blue bed, playing with a bunny and girl doll. Behind her, Father Christmas in a long red robe and crown of holly watches with a smile. "Wishing you a Merry Christmas" is printed at the…
Santa Claus is in bright red and has a crown of holly; in the crook of his left arm he holds brightly colored toys; on his back he has a bag as well. He slightly leans over a sleeping brunette girl with a fond look on his face. Her bed covers are…
Father Christmas, dressed in a long red robe, is seated in a chair at the end of a small brass bed. His bag of toys is on the floor in front of him, and he reaches into the top to pull out a toy trumpet from among the dolls and other gifts. A drum…
Father Christmas, lit by a lantern, puts a ball in one of three stockings hung on the end of a bed. Two blonde-haired children sleep in the bed, which is draped in blue.
Father Christmas in a long red robe looks through his bag for toys to give the two sleeping boys in the bed behind him. The room is large; the bed is canopied in white and has a yellow cover and pink bed skirt. Two brown-haired boys sleep together in…
Santa Claus stands at the foot of a girl's bed. He has pulled a doll out of his bag of toys, which sits on the floor, and is turned toward the viewer, shushing with a raised finger. The brown-haired girl is asleep in a double-size brass bed with a…
Santa Claus hides behind the door frame of a girl's bedroom. The blonde girl has just awoken and is excited to see the basket full of bright toys at the end of her bed. The two stockings hung on the wall are also full of toys. "A Merry Christmas" is…
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