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Father Christmas in red takes up the right half of the card; he is carrying a tree over his shoulder and dolls at his belt and in his satchel. To the left is a blonde white-clad angel. It carries two large female dolls, one brunette with a yellow…
Father Christmas is in a red robe and hat, carrying a walking stick and big bag of toys. He strokes his beard as he looks at the piece of paper the white-robed angel next to him is holding. The angel is barefoot and its gown is sleeveless. Both look…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long red robe with a package in its pocket; behind him, his walking stick is leaned against a basket of toys. He is hanging an ornament on the tree in the middle of the room while a blue-robed angel holds a tray of…
Father Christmas in a red coat and hat carries a tree over his left shoulder and pulls a bag on a wooden sled behind him. To the right, a white-robed angel with star halo walks with him, holding a shining lantern. There is a forest in the background…
Father Christmas, in a red robe and white hat, is dumping out his bag of toys toward the bottom left of the card. A blonde angel in white is seated next to him, watching. There are three bells above them and a ribbon-and-heart decoration framing the…
The upper part of the card pictures Father Christmas in cream and an angel in pink riding in a small blue sleigh. There is a rocking horse in front of them and more behind, while an antlered reindeer pulls them along the snow. There is a house and…
The monochrome card shows Father Christmas and an angel outside in the snow. Father Christmas is dressed in a dark coat and carries a walking stick, while the angel is in white and wears a flower crown. Behind them are evergreens. Both are looking…
Father Christmas and an angel stand before a table covered with toys, including dolls, a horse, and a ball. Father Christmas, dressed in red, holds open the bag while the angel in an embroidered white robe pulls toys out of it. There is a sprig of…
Father Christmas in a red robe drives a blue car while a blonde-haired angel rides in the passenger seat. He has a large evergreen tree over his shoulder and on the back of the car, which is wreathed in holly as well. "Wishing You a Merry Christmas"…
Father Christmas in a red coat with a blanket over his lap sits in the back of a sleigh with toys and a tree. And angel with a hat sits in the front, driving the sleigh, which is pulled by two polar bears. The background is golden and "Wishing you a…
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