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Father Christmas is dressed in a long yellow coat and golden crown. He carries an overflowing bag of toys on his back as well as a Christmas tree in his right hand. Behind him is a sled, and then tall houses in the background. An angel in pink stands…
Father Christmas, dressed in a long red coat with a basket of toys on his back, and an angel with a shining halo are setting out treats on a table. It has a small decorated Christmas tree on top, and scattered around are plates of fruit and a couple…
Father Christmas, dressed in a brown coat and dark green trousers, is driving a sled down a hill with an angel dressed in pink and carrying a tree behind him. He has one boot in the snow to slow their descent. There is a forest behind them and "A…
Father Christmas is wearing a long red robe and red cap. He is standing outside of a neighborhood. It is a snowy night. An angel with fair hair, white wings, and a long white patterned dress is standing in front of him. Father Christmas is holding a…
Father Christmas in a red robe and an angel in white are pictured in the keyhole-inset scene on the card. The blonde-haired angel, shorter than Father Christmas, is in the front; it carries a white bag of toys and has a glowing halo. Father Christmas…
To the right of the card stands Father Christmas dressed in a red robe and hat. He has three dolls at his belt, a bag and bundle of sticks in his right arm, and an evergreen tree propped on his shoulder in his left hand. To the left is an angel…
The card shows Father Christmas, dressed in a long red coat with a bag on his back, handing a heart-shaped box to a blonde angel in light purple. They are standing in the clouds, and above them is a brightly shining star, casting its light over the…
Father Christmas, dressed in red with a green belt, stands to the right of the card. He carries a bag and has a doll and bundle of sticks attached to his belt. To the left is a blonde-haired angel in white with silver wings. It holds a staff with a…
The card features Father Christmas' head and shoulders in a circular inset upon a cloud. Also seated on the cloud and then coming down from it are a girl with her doll and three angels. The girl is dressed in blue while the angels wear burgundy,…
The scene depicts the inside of Father Christmas' workshop; he is working on a large rocking horse. One of his assistant angels puts a chimney on a toy house, and the other carries wrapped presents in a basket. The inset is surrounded by holly and…
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