Browse Items (5575 total)

[11.20.68] Letter from The Presidents Office  (1).pdf

[9.30.68] Letter from Coe.pdf

[4.29.22] Kutsch on The Black Floor.mp3

Black Floor Image 3.png
A yearbook page that includes images of residents of "The Black Floor" and their dormitory space.

[1970 Purgold] Image of Rev. Kutsch.png

[10.6.68] Black Power Experiment at Loras  (1).pdf

[10.6.28] Black Power Experiment Image.jpeg
Residents of “the black floor” watching a football game together

Daniella Jarrell_318705_assignsubmission_file_Help!_19November1977.jpg

Michael Crawford_318700_assignsubmission_file_Panama Canal Jingoism PC 1.png

Ian Ellis_318706_assignsubmission_file_Mao and Nixon One.jpeg
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