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Chemistry- May 7th, 1957-1958.jpg
A newspaper clipping from the Loras College student newspaper, the Lorian, regarding the Loras College chemistry department.

Stile Show at Clarke 4.jpg
A person on a catwalk in a checkered dress holding a light colored jacket. They are wearing a light colored hat with a black ribbon and black gloves. The number #113 is printed on the on the edge of the negative. (Note: Stile may be a misspelling of…

Stile Show at Clarke 3.jpg
A person on a catwalk wearing a light colored, striped top, black belt, gloves, and light colored skirt. They are touching their shoulders. (Note: Stile may be a misspelling of "Style")

Stile Show at Clarke 2.jpg
A person walking down a catwalk wearing a striped jacket and dark dress. (Note: Stile may be a misspelling of "Style")

Stile Show at Clarke 1.jpg
A person on a catwalk in a white, lace gown with a veil and gloves. They are holding a bouquet. (Note: Stile may be a misspelling of "Style")

McGlaughlin, George. His Room. 3.jpg
A person seated on the floor with many posters on the walls.

Barb Beriweedy 1.jpg
A person on stage singing into a microphone. A person playing piano and part of a palm tree decoration are visible behind the singer.

Pie- Mar. 25th, 1954-1955.jpg
A newspaper clipping from the Loras College student newspaper, the Lorian, regarding the 1955 St. Patrick's Day Auction. Accompanying the article is a photograph of a group of students smashing a pie into the face of another student.

Auction- Mar 26th (2), 1953-1954.jpg
A newspaper clipping from the Loras College student newspaper, the Lorian, regarding the 1954 St. Patrick's Day Auction. Accompanying the article is a photograph of a group of students holding an antique statue named "Matilda."

Address System Operators in Gym 2.jpg
Three people seated and one person crouched, posed for a photograph. One person is holding a headset. Another holds a microphone. A priest stands to the left of them, leaning on a machine.
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