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first drawing.jpg
Two of Louise's early drawings. At an early age she would draw things she saw on her daily walks with her father.

Lorian 1951 - 1952 3.jpg
Seven people working at a desk. Three are standing, four are seated, using typewriters.

Lorian 1951 - 1952 2.jpg
Lorian staff (four people pictured) working on a layout. One person is visible in the background.

Lorian (1950 - 1951) 5.jpg
Five people, one seated at a desk with others standing behind him.

Lorian (1950 - 1951) 1.jpg
Three people working at a desk. Two people are standing, one with a handful of photographs. One person is seated at a machine.

Radio- Jan. 16th, 1956-1957.jpg
A newspaper clipping from the Loras College student newspaper, the Lorian, regarding student radio at Loras College. Accompanying the article is a photograph of three students looking at recording equipment.

1955, p123.jpg
A yearbook page that reads "Tell-Tale Totals." Player stats as well as a team scores from season games are depicted in the center of the page. At the top right, two baseball players are seen mid-game. At the bottom left, a player throws a baseball.

Style show- Feb. 25th, 1958-1959.jpg
A newspaper clipping from the Loras College student newspaper, the Lorian, displaying the photographs of three student models at the 1959 Clarke College "style show."

1955, p122.jpg
A yearbook page that reads "1954 Baseball." A photograph depicts 19 members of the Duhawk baseball team. All are wearing light colored baseball uniforms and dark colored caps. 10 are seated, holding baseball gloves while 9 stand behind. Accompanying…

1955, p49.jpg
A yearbook page advertising "Jose Greco and his Spanish dancers". It depicts a person leaping into the air with one arm outstretched and the other touching their shoes. Two more photographs depict the dancing troupe mid-dance, and with their…
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