Browse Items (5575 total)
A crowd of men in dark suits and hats and a few women mills between buildings. The back identifies it as the Eastland Company at Chicago.
A small grotto shrine made of rocks with the Virgin Mary at the center is located in a landscaped garden. It is identified as the Grotto at Mount Calvary.
A monument with Jesus crucified and three figures at its base stands between two pine trees. It is identified as the Soldier's Monument in Dickeyville, Wisconsin.
A stone grotto with vines growing over it has the Virgin Mary at its center. Trees and plants have filled out, suggesting it is summer or spring.
An unidentified nun wears a black veil, white scarf and white shawl over a black robe.
Eight men are seated and standing in front of a white tent in a thinly filled forest, with the river in the background. There is a message on the back from "PBA" to "Emily." The address is "Mrs. A.D. Hoffman , c/of John Schumacher, 3921 West Polk…
Albert, Emil, Peter B. Sr. and Edward are standing on an outcropping underneath a tall cliff which rises behind them.
This photo appears to be of the same unidentified sister as in HOFF 000133. She is dressed in the same wardrobe.
The card shows the rail bridge spanning the Mississippi with pink, yellow and white clouds in the sky.
The picture shows a railway line on the left and the ruins of a building at the base of a bluff to the right.
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