Browse Items (5731 total)
Three people - two men and a woman - stand on an outcropping halfway up a cliff. The woman is likely Emily Hoffmann and the men look to be Edward and Albert D.
In the foreground is a table with pots and pans. Behind this is a table with 7 women sitting and 1 woman standing around the table. There are a few small jars on the table. To the left is 2 men sitting in chairs, 1 man standing, and a boy standing.…
Two men are in the center of a paved path with lights hanging overhead; one is laughing while the other looks backward. There are couples and women on benches to the sides of the path, and the background looks like a garden.
A group of men sit within a wooded area. There are trees all around them and some parts of trees laying on the ground. One tree on the ground has an ax embedded in the side of it. There is an opening and possible large walkway to the right of the…
Four men are in a long boat on the river, one rowing and the others fishing. There is another boat with three men in the background. One of the men is Peter B. Hoffmann Sr., and the others are probably Albert, Edward and Emil Youngblood.
Five men are hauling a net full of catch onto the bank of the river. There are two or three men in a fishing boat still on the water behind them, and another four men are walking along the bank of the river waiting for them.
A small waterfall is coming down the vine-covered bluff and two men, one standing and one crouching, are pictured next to it.
Four men in uniforms and caps are outside a station while a train comes toward them down the tracks. There is a bridge to the right.
Two men are dressed in suits while the other looks prepared to swim in the water.
Eight men are seated and standing in front of a white tent in a thinly filled forest, with the river in the background. There is a message on the back from "PBA" to "Emily." The address is "Mrs. A.D. Hoffman , c/of John Schumacher, 3921 West Polk…
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