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A large piece of road paving equipment dominates this image. The machine is resting on a graded road foundation. A scoop partially filled with gravel extends from the front of the machine. A man holding a shovel may be seen standing near the scoop.
A rock outcropping on top of a small hill. There are two major sections that are visible on the left and right side. There is a large tree on the left side. The hill is covered in grass, weeds, and bushes.
A large rock formation in the center of the photograph with smaller rock formations around it. There are trees growing on the rock formation and below it. There are smaller pieces of stone scattered all over the ground.
A Romanesque style architecture house along a street. There are two trees along the sidewalk of the street that sit in front of the house. The house has a set of stairs that lead from the sidewalk to the front door of the house. The front of the…
Numerous stalactites of various sizes may be seen hanging from the roof of a cave. The photographer’s notes indicate that the cave is located “near Dubuque.” A partially visible number is written on a label that has been stuck to the lower left…
A large round bluff stands directly on the river, with electrical poles circling it.
The Sacred Heart Church, Holy Spirit Parish on of two other Catholic Churches that were apart of the Holy Spirit Parishes. The Church is to the right of the photograph and is on the corners of Windsor and 22nd Streets. There are two main steeples on…
A light stone mill stands by the water with a house behind it; the card is done in color. The back identifies it as the mill at Sageville.
Dr. John Mesinger is pictured standing behind the bar in this interior photograph of the saloon in the Moose Hall. A glass display case full of open cigar boxes is visible at the end of the bar. Numerous bottles of alcohol are arranged on shelves…
Gathered around a small bar are ten men, holding glasses and mugs of beer. Most are also holding lit cigars. Holding a cigar, a single bartender is standing behind the bar. A cash register, with a sale of twenty five cents is on a counter behind the…
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