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Father Christmas in a brown coat sans hat is leaning out the window of a hut in the woods. Two children are handing him a letter with a red seal, and he is handing them what appears to be a piece of fruit. A red bird perches on the opened shutter and…
Father Christmas, dressed in brown, is seated in a hut-like structure at the edge of a forest. He is making toys by candlelight. Five small children dressed in white gather around the hut, watching him and reaching for toys. "Gelukkig Kerstfeest" or…
Father Christmas is holding a small brunette girl in white in his arms. The girl is holding a doll in pink. Behind them is a lighted and decorated Christmas Tree. "Frohliche Weihnachten!" is printed in the lower left.
Smiling, a brown-coated Father Christmas is carrying a bag on his back. Crawling down it and flying off it are four small angels, carrying toys and treats. A shooting star is overhead, and "Herzlichen Weihnachts" is printed at the bottom with a…
Father Christmas is dressed in a brown coat and hat with red mittens. He has long white hair and a flowing beard. Two children, a boy in blue and a girl in pink and yellow-green, are climbing on his head, along with a white teddy bear. "Roomsaid…
The card shows Father Christmas in brown with a tan bag on his back, facing away from the viewer. A girl in blue is seated on the bag, putting an apple on a tree that is poking out of its top. "Merry Christmas" is printed in the lower left.
The background of the card depicts Father Christmas, laden with toys and carrying a lantern, walking through the snow towards a house. There is an inset scene in the bottom right which shows an interior room. Two children, an older girl in red and a…
Father Christmas, smiling, is looking down through a circular golden window at two children. He is wearing a red coat, a red striped hat, and has long hair and a beard. A blonde-haired girl in pink is seated on a chair, holding the body of a doll on…
Father Christmas, dressed in a brown coat with a red hat and short white beard, is reaching through a circular window backlit in gold to give a child a doll. The blonde-haired girl is dressed in pink, and she is receiving a doll in blue almost as big…
The postcard is decorated as a Christmas envelope. In the middle, it has a gold seal depicting Santa Claus' head. There are holly decorations to the left and right, and starting above and ending below are the words "A Merry Christmas".
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