Browse Items (43 total)
Albert D. Hoffmann is standing on a wooden fence beam. Below him is Emily Hoffmann and Kitty Tilches. Both women are holding bouquets of flowers. Behind the fence is either water or a field. They are also in a heavily wooded are on either side of ht…
Kitty Tilches, Albert D. Hoffmann, and Emily Hoffmann are seen standing next to one another on a dirt road. Albert is standing in between both of the women. The women are wearing lighter, possibly white dresses. They have their hair pulled up on…
As the back of the photograph explains, "Mom & Dad & Kitty Tilckes." Kitty Tilckes is standing on the left, in a light colored dress, glasses, pearl necklace, and bouquet of flowers in her right arm and hand. Her left arm and hand is behind her back.…
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