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The photographer shows a church that has taken heavy damage from World War I during the St. Mihiel Front in Pont-a-Mousson, France. The title explains that it is a statue of Joan of Arc, who could be the figure at the top of the church. The church's…
In the foreground is one bank of the Meuse River and on the other side is the other bank that is lined with trees that are about the same height. On the bank in the foreground are weeds and large piles of trees and debris. Going across the river to a…
A bridge that extends over the Meuse River, near Sassey, France during World War I. The bridge is on the right of the photograph and extends back. The photographer is standing on one bank of the river. The bridge is made of stone and has 5 arches…
5 Allied soldiers, most likely American, are standing in a trench at the St. Mihiel Front in France during World War 1. The trench is slightly deeper than the men are tall. 4 of the men are looking at the photographer and 1 of them, who is on the…
The German U-boat (U-139) that sank the Lusitania. The U-139 is at the center of the photograph, floating on the water. The end to the left is lower towards the water. There appears to be ocean organisms or warfare dirt along the side of the U boat.…
Three trench mortar bombs from World War 1 are standing up and leaning against one another. They are shaped with a rod at the center, and towards one end, it bulges out and rounds at the top. In the middle there are "fins" that help fly the mortar…
A large pile of unused 3 and 4 in. shells are lying down and stacked on one another in a field of World War 1. The ground they are laying on is dirt or mud with little grass or greenery. In the background and distance there are some trees and grass,…
Vilcey, France around the time of the St. Mihiel Front during World War I. The photographer is standing on a muddy, dirt road and facing the town of Vilcey. To the right of the image, on the side of the road in the grass are many boxes and crates…
Two Allied soldiers are looking are looking upwards towards the sky watching "Jerry" which is the Germans. They are at the St. Mihiel Front. The soldier on the left is lower and is possibly standing or squatting in the trench or behind a hill. The…
A Dutch railroad track during World War I after it was hit by a barrage of American artillery and explosions. The track extends towards the back, middle of the photograph and the outside rails are very bent or broken completely. Toward the center on…
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