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This postcard shows a littler girl affectionately eyeing her toys around Christmas. She is wearing a red and white striped dress with red slippers and is in a room that is decorated with holly and other decorations.
In this postcard, a teddy bear is seen sitting beside a couple sea shells and a red bucket. Behind the bear are dark blue waves. At the bottom of the postcard, the text reads "The Sea-Shore Bear".
In this postcard, a white bear is seen bewildered due to the fact that it sat on a freshly-painted red bench. At the bottom of the postcard the text "A Bear Impression" is written. There is also handwriting along the bottom.
A white bear stands on a pedestal. It is scratching its head with one hand and has a red ribbon around its wrist. There is also some sort of colored object on its front. "How can you bear this weather" is printed at the bottom and accompanied by…
A teddy bear is sitting on top of a round stool, its right paw uplifted in a wave. The print at the bottom reads "To My Valentine / Keep a little bare spot / In your heart for me: / You'll find me faithful / As Teddy B."
Against a monochrome background, the colors of Father Christmas and the two children pop. Father Christmas stands to the left in a dark coat and white polka dot hat. There are toys at his belt; in his left arm he carries a tree and in his right, a…
Santa Claus, dressed in his red suit, is looking back over his shoulder at the bag of toys on his back. Inside, it holds a doll, teddy bear, drum, package and holly. The poem at the bottom is too faint to read.
Santa Claus is dressed in a hooded red coat, smoking a long-stemmed pipe while carrying toys in his arms and on his back. The toys include dolls, instruments, a book, and a teddy bear. "A Merry Christmas" is printed along the top.
The card, done in a cartoon-like style, shows Santa Claus in a red coat putting ornaments on a small Christmas tree. There are boxes of toys around him as well as a desk with candle. Two small winged angels stand behind the door to watch him.
Santa Claus is peeking out from a ripped section of paper on the card. To the left, a teddy bear is also visible through a rip. "Yule-tide Greetings" is printed at the top and there are holly and mistletoe decorations around the card.
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