Browse Items (257 total)
A male patient is seated in a reclining dental chair near a window. The dentist and a female assistant are standing on either side of the patient. A dental drill, on the end of a cable and pulley, hangs from the ceiling. A retractable electric light…
In a narrow warehouse space equipped to serve as a shipping room, three men are posing near rolling wooden carts, stacks of wicker baskets, piles of boxes and rolls of paper-wrapped merchandise. One stack of boxes is labeled “Tanglefoot Fly Paper.” …
Manager R. J. McCarthy is seated at a table in the rear of the show room of the Singer Sewing Machine Company Store. A female employee is standing near the table. A telephone has been placed on the table. Two sewing machines, each with visible…
A family is seated in the sitting room of an unidentified boarding house. A young boy is standing next to his father and a baby girl is seated on her mother’s lap. Visible on the music rack of an upright piano are three pieces of sheet music,…
Six men at work in a storage room at the Dubuque Brewing and Malting Co. A Sign above the door reads: 'ATTENTION! FIRE ALARM CALLS. ONE Whistle—Bottle House, TWO “ —BARN, THREE “ —Wash House, FOUR “ —Mill House & Machine Room, Five “ —Office.' A…
Six employees, four women and two men, are at work at their desks in this brightly-lit office illuminated by four tall windows and a skylight. Two electric calculating machines are placed near the desks. The floor is of a light-colored wood. A “Spahn…
Five women and two men are working in a large room. Three of the women are standing at a long work table. Filled bags of coffee are visible on the table. Next to these bags, one woman is filling paper bags at a machine and placing them on the table…
A male customer, dressed in a suit and bowler hat, is sitting on a wire stool in front of a small counter in this meat market. A man is standing behind the counter, on which may be seen a large scale and a cash register. A small display of ring…
A man sits at a typewriter next to a telegraph machine and a second man stands in this stock exchange room in the B & I building. The negative is heavily damaged. The number “161” has been written on the emulsion side of the negative and is visible…
This image shows the interior of the Union Electric railroad car barn. A section of railroad track leads into a large open space with a smaller storeroom visible in the rear. A small dolly may be seen between the tracks. Numerous machines used to…
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