Browse Items (270 total)
Three groups of girls, dressed in white dresses, white stockings and dark vests are standing around tall May Poles. Some are holding streamers and some are standing in pairs waiting to walking around the poles. A fourth group is partially visible in…
Groups of girls, dressed in white dresses, white stockings and dark vests, may be seen holding long streamers and dancing in circles around three May Poles. A fourth group is partially visible in the image. Boys and men are sitting and standing on…
Young girls and boys, each holding one end of a long ribbon, are shown standing in a circle around a tall pole. The other end of the ribbon has been attached to the top of the pole, and the ribbons have been braided together around the pole. The…
The substantial brick building with the distinctive peaked roof in the foreground of this image is the McCormick Gymnasium, which was dedicated December 15, 1914. The building to the left of the gymnasium is Severance Hall. Dubuque College is now…
A large group of women and children have gathered together for this photograph. The photographer indicates that the image was taken on September 2, 1915. The number 1296 is written on a label that has been stuck to the lower left corner of the slide.
Eleven men, dressed in white slacks, long sleeved white shirts, white caps and dark ties, are marching in a cross-shaped formation along a street paved with bricks. Street car tracks are visible in the street. This image was taken from above street…
This image shows a large rock formation that appears to have been left standing after surrounding limestone bluff material was eroded away. A man can be seen standing in an opening between two vertical sections of the formation. Another man is seated…
Several rows of various sized stone tomb stones are visible in this image.
The bed of a small truck has been wrapped in white sheeting and decorated with oak leaves. Nine women are seated in the truck bed. Each is wearing a small hat made of large leaves. The photographer may have been the pastor of this congregation at the…
This image shows the front and south side of a stone, two story home designed in the English cottage style. Dark, stained shingles resemble a thatched roof. A large covered entry way frames the double doors on the south side of the structure. A…
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