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Several large stalagmites of various colors may be seen growing upwards from the cave floor. A large stalactite is also visible. The number 2203-3 is written on a label that has been stuck to the lower left corner of the slide.
Four steam engines, all with steam coming from their stacks, may be seen waiting adjacent to each other in the yard of the Milwaukee Railroad. Coal tender 4380 and its engine are coupled in reverse to tender 4378 and its engine. Shop buildings are…
A double decker passenger steamboat and a smaller steam-powered tow boat may be seen passing each other on the Mississippi River near Dubuque, Iowa. The tow boat is pushing one barge. A wing dam in visible in the background. Farm land may be seen…
Four stories in height with elaborate peaked roof gables, this large brick building housed classrooms, laboratories and administrative offices. The front of the building faced University Avenue. Dedicated on April 25, 1907, the building was named…
Women in long dresses and men dressed in dark suits and hats are shown strolling the ground of Union park in Dubuque, Iowa. Some individuals are carrying picnic baskets. The picnic shelter shown in LO 261 is visible on the right side of this image.…
A large group of men, women are gathered on concrete steps and a grassy bank. The end of a brick and stone building is partially visible behind the group. This structure is probably the Academy of the Immaculate Conception, located at 17th and Iowa…
Children – some assisted by their parents, are shown swinging on swings in this image taken in Union Park in Dubuque, Iowa. The photographer has identified a partially visible structure as a “wading pool.” The number 1304-3 is written on a label that…
Ten elephants may be seen walking in a line during a circus parade in Dubuque, Iowa. Each elephant has a man riding on its head. One elephant has a calf walking beside her. The number 1372 is written on a label that has been stuck to the lower left…
17 men, all dressed in similar dark suits and caps, are pictured standing one behind another, with their heads turned toward the camera and hands placed on the shoulders of the man in front of them. Peters Commons (see LO 097) is in the background.…
Twenty two women of various ages, six children and two men pose for a photograph in front of a two story home. The photographer’s notes indicate that this is the same group as one pictured in LO 170. The number 1296-b is written on a label that has…
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