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Krampus is seen dumping children into a hole with flames.
A child and Krampus are seen walking at the opening of Hell. There are children seen below the opening as well.
Krampus is seen with children at the entrance of hell. There are other Krampuses seen in the pits of hell.
A little girl is seen begging Krampus to let another child go. The child in Krampus' basket is crying.
Krampus is seen with two children. One in a basket, one chained to his side,
Krampus is seen stuffing a child's shoes with branches. He has a large bag on his back, with a child in it.
Krampus is seen with children on a pitchfork standing in front of a fire. The children are being held over the fire.
Little Krampus is seen with a mess. It looks as though he has fallen over and spilled things.
Krampus is seen serving a girl dinner. Underneath the table cloth, another little Krampus-like creature is seen.
Krampus is seen in a private room, looking out at other diners. He is drinking something from a wine glass and is sticking out his tongue.
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