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Father Christmas is sitting in an armchair in somebody's living room. He is wearing a long red robe and brown cap. An angel with long fair hair, white wings, and a long white dress is leaning over, whispering in his ear. The top portion of the image…
Father Christmas is featured in this postcard wearing a long red robe and black and red cap. He is standing outside in a snowy environment. You can just barely make out the outline of a house on the left hand side of the image. Father Christmas is…
Father Christmas in red takes up the right half of the card; he is carrying a tree over his shoulder and dolls at his belt and in his satchel. To the left is a blonde white-clad angel. It carries two large female dolls, one brunette with a yellow…
The postcard scene is painted in a realistic style. Father Christmas is dressed in a long red hooded robe and carries a bag or basket. A brunette angel in yellow stands to the right, and rests its arm on the donkey before it while holding an…
Father Christmas, dressed in a red suit and carrying a bag and small tree, stands on a golden sled. To his left and right are three small light-haired elf-angels; they are dressed in white coats and pointed hats and have small white wings. "Frohliche…
Father Christmas is in a red robe and hat, carrying a walking stick and big bag of toys. He strokes his beard as he looks at the piece of paper the white-robed angel next to him is holding. The angel is barefoot and its gown is sleeveless. Both look…
Father Christmas in a red robe and an angel in white are pictured in the keyhole-inset scene on the card. The blonde-haired angel, shorter than Father Christmas, is in the front; it carries a white bag of toys and has a glowing halo. Father Christmas…
Father Christmas in a red robe drives a blue car while a blonde-haired angel rides in the passenger seat. He has a large evergreen tree over his shoulder and on the back of the car, which is wreathed in holly as well. "Wishing You a Merry Christmas"…
Father Christmas in red stands to the left of the postcard. He has packages dangling from his right arm while he holds a lantern up with his left. To the right is a blonde-haired angel in a white and yellow robe; it has silver wings. There are…
Father Christmas, dressed in red with a green belt, stands to the right of the card. He carries a bag and has a doll and bundle of sticks attached to his belt. To the left is a blonde-haired angel in white with silver wings. It holds a staff with a…
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