Browse Items (65 total)
Father Christmas, dressed in a long red coat with a bag over his shoulder, carries a walking stick with a shining lantern attached. At his side is an angel in white and gold and a small deer. They are descending a hill in the woods toward a snowy…
Back turned toward the viewer, Father Christmas in brown with a package on his back is guiding the deer that pulls his sled toward a village. The brown sled has an angel with a Christmas tree and lantern sitting on top of a large bag. They are making…
Father Christmas, wearing white and red, is inset in a circle to the right side of the card. He is carrying a walking stick and sack of toys, including a drum. The background of the card is a snowy woods, with a house in the back left. "Christmas…
The card, in black and white, depicts Father Christmas coming into a clearing in the woods. Three deer - two fully grown and one fawn - already in the clearing gaze at him. "Frohlich Weihnachten!" is printed at the bottom and there is handwriting in…
Father Christmas, dressed in brown, is seated in a hut-like structure at the edge of a forest. He is making toys by candlelight. Five small children dressed in white gather around the hut, watching him and reaching for toys. "Gelukkig Kerstfeest" or…
Father Christmas in a brown coat sans hat is leaning out the window of a hut in the woods. Two children are handing him a letter with a red seal, and he is handing them what appears to be a piece of fruit. A red bird perches on the opened shutter and…
Father Christmas is at the window of his hut in the woods. Two children with their backs towards the viewer, an older boy and a younger girl, are holding hands while the boy hands him a letter with a red seal. There is a string next to the window…
Father Christmas, dressed in a hooded brown robe and holding a pine tree in one hand, watches while two children dig through the bag of toys in front of him. The boy on the left is dressed in brown and green, while the girl on the right is in a white…
Father Christmas, dressed in a long red hooded coat, has a bag of toys and holly on his back and is leaning forward on a walking stick to talk to two children. The taller, a boy in black and a red hat, is standing behind the shorter girl, who is…
The card's center scene depicts Father Christmas, dressed in a long red hooded coat, with a bag of toys and holly on his back and leaning forward on a walking stick to talk to two children. The taller, a boy in black and a red hat, is standing behind…
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