Browse Items (269 total)
Two children, a boy and a girl, are running toward the right side of the card and pulling Santa Claus along with them by a holly vine which wraps around his waist. Santa is wearing a black coat and red hat, with a brown bag on his back. The card…
Father Christmas, dressed in a long gray coat and brown fur hat, is distributing gifts to five children inside a house. The oldest girl is in the front, holding her apron open to receive fruit. An older boy stands behind her to the left, and three…
Near the edge of a snowy field, ten children in white join hands and form a circle around Father Christmas. He is wearing a brown coat and carrying a small evergreen tree upraised in his right hand. In the far background, at the edge of the field,…
Father Christmas, dressed in a brown coat and white hood, is inside a room talking to two girls. The older girl is brown-haired and dressed in blue, while the younger is blonde and dressed in yellow. Behind them, a lighted and decorated Christmas…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long brown coat, carrying a walking stick and a bag of toys on his back. He is at the open door of a house, where three children - a boy and two girls - greet him. Another two boys stand behind him in the snow. "Vive…
Father Christmas peers in the window of a house; he is dressed in a brown coat and carries toys. Three children, at least two of them girls, are looking out the door of the house at Father Christmas looking in the window. Across the snowy street…
A boy in red on a blue sled careens toward a surprised Father Christmas, who has dropped his bundle of branches. Father Christmas is dressed in a long yellow coat and red hat. Both he and the boy are dismayed. A girl in yellow with her sled next to…
Done in a cartoon-like style, Father Christmas is shown striding off to the right of the card while two children watch behind a fence. Father Christmas is wearing a long brown coat, carrying a bag and tree and smoking a pipe. The children, a boy in…
Pictured on the left side of the card, Father Christmas is talking to two children. He is dressed in a long brown coat with a bag of toys on his back and basket on his arm. The children, a boy and a girl, are huddled together as they speak to him. In…
Father Christmas and two children, a boy and a girl, are pictured on the right side of the card. Father Christmas is dressed in a long tan coat and blue hat with a bag of toys and walking stick, smoking a pipe while gesturing with one hand. The…
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