Browse Items (269 total)
Father Christmas, dressed in brown, is standing to the right of the card. He has a bag of toys on his back, and with his right hand, he is dangling a doll, trumpet, and rocking horse over the heads of four children. Two blonde girls, in pink and…
Father Christmas, in a long golden brown coat and hat, is sitting on a red sled with his bag of toys and tree over his shoulder. Two young boys in blue and gray are pulling it, while a girl in green with a muff stands to the side. Behind them is a…
Inset in a circle slightly to the left, Father Christmas in a long brown coat with toys on his back is using his walking stick to balance as he steps out on the ice. To the right of the circle at the bottom is a snowy hillside and cluster of houses…
In a snowy field, Father Christmas is seen holding a decorated Christmas tree and toys. A few feet away from fatehr Christmas, two children are seen waving and talking to him. Below Father Christmas the phrase "Merry Christma s" in German can be…
Santa Claus, in a green suit, is sledding down a hill and waving as he passes two girls. The girl in the front is dressed in a red coat and black hat with ribbon. The one in the back is in blue and gathering a snowball. The background is yellow and…
Father Christmas, dressed in green with a walking stick and bag of toys, is hiking alongside three boys in the woods. The three boys, in red, blue, and brown, respectively, carry an evergreen tree. The moon shines on them from the back left, and…
Inside a house, a boy and a girl look out through a window at Santa Claus. Santa Claus, dressed in green with a bag of toys on his back, looks back at them. The card is bordered in holly and "A Merry Christmas" is printed along the bottom.
Father Christmas, in a long brown coat, has a tree over his shoulder, a satchel of toys at his waist, and a walking stick in his left hand. He has stopped by the wooden gate set in a short brick wall. Father Christmas is looking backward over his…
The card is done in a realistic style, depicting two brown-haired girls in white pulling back a curtain to discover Santa Claus filling stockings. Santa is wearing a dark brown coat and has wild white hair and a beard. There are toys scattered on the…
To the left of the card, Father Christmas in purple, carrying a bag and small tree, knocks on a green door. Two children peek out from behind it. The card's border is red and has lit candles in greenery around it; there is a handwritten message to…
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