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Monthly report of auxiliary chaplain December 1943 submitted to the military ordinate for the WAAVE Training Station stationed in Cedar Falls, Iowa.

Monthly report of auxiliary chaplain December 1943 submitted to the military ordinate for the Air Cadet Training St. stationed in Cedar Falls, Iowa

Monthly report of Auxiliary Chaplain for the Military Ordinariate for the WAAVE Training Station posted in Cedar Falls, Iowa.
Santa Claus came.
Business first: I could pay that $75 to the Station Msgr., but won't because he would be gyped.
Monthly report of the chaplain for November-December 1945 submitted to the Military Ordinate for the unit stationed at APO 254, %PM, New York.
Monthly report of chaplain December 1944 submitted to the Military Ordinate for the unit posted at 530th AAA (AW) Bn A.P.O. 519 B, %PM NY
Received your v mail letter today.
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