Jesus, now dressed in a white burial robe but with face uncovered, is laid on a platform of stone by a woman - probably Mary - and a man - presumably Joseph of Arimathea. Two women with a jar look on from the background. In the far upper right, three…
Although neither woman in the scene is identified, the way they are dressed strongly indicates the one on the left is Mary and the one on the right is either Elizabeth or Mary's mother Anne. The woman on the left wears a red robe with red dress, and…
Dressed in red with a blue cloak, a brown-haired Mary holds a small blonde baby Jesus. Both have golden halos, although Jesus' is slightly mroe elaborate.
Jesus has been taken down from the cross. Wearing only a white cloth, he is laid in his mother Mary's lap; she is dressed in blue. To the left are three women with angel wings. The background of the card is a stunning sunset; cast aside on the ground…
The card is divided into two scenes. In the lower half, a white marble tomb stands open with flowers inside insetad of a body. There is a crowd of men and women standing around it, all looking upwards to the top scene. There, perched on a cloud, Mary…
The card depicts a woman, probably Mary, holding a fabric-swaddled bundle that is most likely a baby. She is dressed in pure white with a white gown and veil; she also wears a necklace. The bundle is white fabric with gold trim. There is…
A blonde-haired Mary is dressed in red with a blue cloak. At her feet, two babies without clothes play. She is holding onto baby Jesus, who is accepting a cross-shaped staff from another slightly older child, perhaps John the Baptist. In the…
Floating above the rest of the figures is Mary in red and blue, holding the baby Jesus. They are backed by a golden sky. Around them, figures of both genders and all ages look upon them or in other directions.
On a columed porch, a blonde-haired angel Gabriel in red brings the news to Mary that she is pregnant. Mary, pale with blonde hair and a halo, is seated on a stool and wearing blue and light pink. Her arms are crossed over her stomach.
The card is a reproduction of Hans Memling's "Maria Mit Dem Kinde," or Mary with the Child. Seated on a throne, a blonde-haired Mary is dressed in red and has the baby Jesus on her lap. He is reaching to the angel kneeling to the left. A…