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Santa Claus Climbs in Chimney
Santa Claus is dressed in a short red coat, green knee breeches, and red tights. He is climbing into a red-brick chimney, carrying a bag and sprig of holly. There are footprints in the snow of the roof and another house in the background. The card is…
Tags: bag, chimney, holly, Santa Claus
Santa Claus Climbs in Chimney
Santa Claus has climbed waist-deep into a brick chimney. He is carrying a bag of toys and holly and is smoking a pipe as he does so. There is a village in the background the the scene is illuminated by the full moon. "Best Christmas Wishes" is…
Tags: bag of toys, chimney, moon, pipe, roof, Santa Claus, smoking
Santa Claus Climbs in Chimney with Balloons
Santa Claus has one foot in the red brick chimney on top of a roof. He is dressed in his traditional red suit and has a bag of toys on his back as well as four bright balloons in his hand. The circle behind him in the background shows a blue sky and…
Tags: bag of toys, balloons, chimney, poem, roof, Santa Claus, stars
Santa Claus Climbs into Chimney
Santa Claus is dressed in his iconic red suit and cap. He is carrying a very large, overflowing bag filled with toys on his back. As he stands on somebody's snow-covered roof, he looks stoically off into the distance. He has one leg inside of the…
Tags: chimney, English, Gifts, Santa Claus, snow
Santa Claus Descends Chimney
Santa Claus is dressed in a red suit with black trim. He has a bag of toys on his back and is stepping from the snow-covered roof into a red brick chimney. There is snow falling around him. The border across the top contains bells, holly, and the…
Santa Claus Descends Snowy Chimney
The majority of the card is white space, with a small scene in the upper middle of Santa Claus in a red suit climbing down a snowy red brick chimney. In the background is a moonlight bare-branched woods. Above him is a holly decoration and below him…
Santa Claus Drops Ball on Roof
Santa Claus is dressed in a red suit and hat. He has packages under both arms, and has dropped a ball from one, which he tries to catch with his foot. There is a chimney to the right of him in the roof, and his sleigh in the background. The border at…
Tags: ball, chimney, Gifts, roof, Santa Claus
Santa Claus Drops Toys Down Chimney While Driving
Santa Claus in a red suit and pointed hat is driving an old-fashioned car over the streets of town, hovering on a cloud. As he passes one house, he drops a toy soldier down its chimney. There are more houses in the background under a starry sky, and…
Santa Claus Goes Down Chimney
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Item #1429: "Santa Claus Descends Chimney"
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Santa Claus Descends Chimney
Roseliep Christmas Postcard Collection
Roseliep, Raymond
Tags: bag of toys, bells, chimney, holly, roof, Santa Claus
Santa Claus Goes Down Chimney
Santa Claus is dressed in a red suit and hat. He has a bag of toys on his back - which includes dolls, a trumpet and a drum - and he is climbing into a red brick chimney on the roof of a building. The town in the background is snow-covered and…
Tags: bag of toys, chimney, church, Santa Claus, town