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The only figure on the card against the plain green background is Father Christmas. He is dressed in a long dark brown coat and hat. In one hand he carries a decorated Christmas tree. In the other, a bag full of toys including dolls and musical…
Against a monochrome background, the colors of Father Christmas and the two children pop. Father Christmas stands to the left in a dark coat and white polka dot hat. There are toys at his belt; in his left arm he carries a tree and in his right, a…
The card, in black and white, shows Father Christmas in a long dark hooded coat unloading toys and a Christmas tree from his basket on the ground. Two either lifelike dolls or little girls are depicted; one sleeping against a wall and another…
The card's colors are dull, and only the pink of the doll being held by Father Christmas stands out. Father Christmas, in a hooded coat, is seated. He is holding a blonde-haired doll to the right of the card, dressed in a pale blue dress and pink…
Santa Claus is dressed in a long red coat and cap. He carries an evergreen in his right hand and two dolls on strings in his left. Snow is falling all around him, and he is framed in a stone archway with holly at its top. "A merry Christmas" is…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long red hooded robe. He has a bag of toys over his shoulder as well as dolls and a bundle of sticks at his belt. Next to him is a deer, and in the background is a church with lit windows. The card reads "A happy…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long red hooded robe. He has a bag of toys over his shoulder as well as dolls and a bundle of sticks at his belt. Next to him is a deer, and in the background is a church with lit windows. The card reads "A happy…
The card shows the left side of an old-fashioned dark blue car; Santa Claus sits in the driver's seat. Behind him is a load of toys including dolls, topped with holly. The words at the bottom are too faded to read.
Santa is dressed in a long red coat and carries a tree over one shoulder and his bag over the other. The bag is spilling toys out of its bottom where it appears to have ripped. Three dolls line up along the edge of the oval framing Santa, and there…
Santa Claus is dressed in a red coat and hat. In his right hand he carries three dolls on strings - one is not visible, the others are a jester and doll dressed in blue. In his left, he carries a bag over his shoulder and a bundle of sticks and holly…
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