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Father Christmas Walks Across Ice and Children Play
Inset in a circle slightly to the left, Father Christmas in a long brown coat with toys on his back is using his walking stick to balance as he steps out on the ice. To the right of the circle at the bottom is a snowy hillside and cluster of houses…
Tags: children, Christmas tree, Father Christmas, ice, snowy scene, water
House in Woods and Christmas Greeting
In an inset to the right, there is a house set back in the woods. In the front is a stream and snowy yard, with a figure or perhaps a snowman in front of the house. The card is bordered by holly and "May Christmas Peace & Joy be Thine" is printed in…
Tags: holly, house, river, snowy scene, water
Ice Skating at Sunset
The card depicts the snowy bank of a lake with a brilliant orange and red sunset on the far shore. Two full trees and a broken one line the bank where a lone figure is skating on the ice.
Tags: ice skating, lake, snowy scene, sunset, trees, water
Santa Claus and Polar Bears
Santa Claus in his red suit with a bag of toys on his back is walking next to a polar bear, which has a basket of toys on its back. Descending from the ice mountain in the back left is a whole train of similarly-arrayed polar bears - a train of at…
Tags: animals, basket of toys, ice, mountain, polar bear, Santa Claus, water
Santa Claus and Village
Santa Claus is pictured to the left of the card, dressed in his traditional red suit and holding a jester doll. The scene to the right snows a creek with a bridge over it, leading to a village with houses and a church. The card is bordered in holly…
Santa Claus Rides Swimming Polar Bear
Santa Claus is riding a swimming polar bear around icebergs in the waters of the north. He is wearing a red suit and has a bag of toys behind him while he holds the polar bear's reigns. "Wishing you A Merry Christmas" is printed near the bottom.
Tags: animal, ice, polar bear, Santa Claus, swimming, water
Skating on River Bordered by Angels
A small scene is set near the bottom of the card; it depicts five figures ice skating on a frozen river in front of a church. On either side of the scene are whtie-robed angels holding steaming bowls. Directly above, a red rectangle contains the…
Tags: angels, church, holly, ice skating, water
Smiling Father Christmas and Children
Against a monochrome background, the colors of Father Christmas and the two children pop. Father Christmas stands to the left in a dark coat and white polka dot hat. There are toys at his belt; in his left arm he carries a tree and in his right, a…