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Santa Claus, dressed in a long red coat, is pulling a jester doll out of his open bag of toys to leave under the decorated Christmas tree behind him. Other toys visible include a lamb, drum, trumpet, house and ball. "Christmas Greetings" is printed…
Santa Claus is wearing his iconic red suit, red cap, and black boots. He is walking around in a thick cover of snow. He is presumably on someone's rooftop, as you can see a chimney situated next to as well as on another house in the distance. He…
Inset in the upper portion of the card is an oval depicting Santa Claus leading a reindeer which is pulling a sled. Santa is dressed in a long red coat and uses a tree branch as a walking stick. The antlered reindeer is attached to a harness to pull…
This postcard is oriented vertically and is set in a nighttime forest where Santa Claus carries a lit torch and leads five cherub angels as they carry toys. He stands in the center of the postcard in an open space and looks down at the angels,…
Santa Claus, in a red suit with gold trim as well as a bag of toys on his back, leans on a cane with one hand and points, laughing, with the other. He is laughing at a red-haired girl who is hiding behind a screen; her shadow shows up on the screen…
The card shows a head view of Santa Claus laughing as he wears a red cap and looks off to the right side of the card. There are some holly sprigs in his beard and printed across the lower right is "A Merry Xmas to You!"
The card shows Santa Claus' head, thrown back in laughter - teeth showing and mustache curling. At the bottom is a small inset of him delivering toys with a greeting next to it. The only words taht can be made out are "The Year 1911".
Santa Claus, in a long red coat and cap, is walking up the steps to a house and knocking on the door with his knuckles. He has a basket of toys and an evergreen on his back. There is another house across a snowy field in the background, and "Merry…
The backdrop of the card is the cream floor and walls of a room. The bottom half of the card contains two girl children. On the left, one in a peach dress with long blonde hair sitting on the floor. On the right, one with short brown hair and a blue…
Santa Claus in a green coat with a bag of toys is walking in a village. There's a twisted metal structure next to him. In front are pine needles and holly leaves, and the whole thing is in an oval.
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