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This photograph shows a railroad to the left of the photo and Catfish Creek to the right of the photo. In between is a grassy area and a wire fence. There are two men down below, walking towards the Creek. There is a bridge up above the men that goes…

[9.20.69] Charles Hamilton Probes Splintered Black Dream.pdf

Correspondence-Folsom (3).jpg
Check enclosed with letter written to Alabama Governor James E. Folsom on 1958-08-23. Check made out to the State of Alabama Treasurer to cover the $1.95 theft by Jimmy Wilson committed on July 1957 that led to his conviction and death sentence in…

Santa Claus' face is pictured on a white bell that is also decorated with holly. A blonde-haired cherub is standing next to him, feet on the bell's ringer. It is carrying a satchel and a double-hearted ring in front of its body with the tag "A Merry…
Two cherubs, printed in white with golden halos, are amidst holly above the scene of a village and church. "A Merry Christmas" is printed in the bottom right.
Father Christmas is dressed in a blue coat and a red hood. He is carrying a bag of bright toys over one shoulder and an evergreen under his right arm. A church is visible in the back left. Shining above his head is a star, with a cherub in each…
Father Christmas, dressed in a long green hooded coat, is seated in his sleigh. He is receiving a red book from a blonde-haired cherub, while another holds a toy horse. His sleigh is being pulled by two reindeer, one white and one brown, with bells…
The background of the card is deep purple at the bottom and fades to white then lighter purple near the top. The figures are mostly imprints. At the bottom, there is a village and church scene. A golden sun is rising. Above, four naked cherubs with…

Cigarette ad- May 7th, 1953-1954.jpg
A newspaper clipping from the Loras College student newspaper, the Lorian, displaying an advertisement for Chesterfield cigarettes. The advertisement shows three portraits, two of college students and one of an actor.
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